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There's no greater adventure in videogaming than embarking on a long quest in a role-playing game. Japanese role-playing games have enchanted the gaming masses for decades with their vibrant characters, unforgettable storylines, and exciting battle systems. The time has finally come to separate the best from the best. We've compiled the most memorable games of the genre together to face off for the ultimate showdown. You get to decide what game deserves the top honors in 15 categories.
The voting period has ended and the winners have been chosen. Scroll down to see what games were victorious. Thanks for all of your votes!
Best Soundtrack[]
Final Fantasy IX

Best Story[]
Suikoden II

Best Character Designs[]
Suikoden III

Best Cast of Characters[]
Fire Emblem: Awakening

Best Villain[]
Luca Blight (Suikoden II)

Best Romance Subplot[]
Final Fantasy VIII

Best Enemy Design[]
Dark Souls

Best Combat System[]
Kingdom Hearts II

Best Overworld Map[]
Final Fantasy IX

Best JRPG Mascot[]
Moogle (Final Fantasy)

Best Explorable Towns & Cities[]
Final Fantasy IX

Best Super Moves & Special Attacks[]
Final Fantasy VII

Best Sidequests[]
Final Fantasy XII

Best Transportation[]
Final Fantasy VII

Best Ultimate Weapon[]
Ultima Weapon (Final Fantasy)